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I’ve been brushing up on my programming skills the last few days. Researching RSS and learning more about XML. I’ve also started learning about Python. I learned about Perl a few years ago and enjoyed writing Perl code. I’ve been in the programming world for quite a while. Started back in the 70s when the math and “business” departments in my high school got computers. The math department got a Commodore 64 and the “business” department got a TRS-80. I learned a few bits of BASIC, enough to print out denigrating remarks about my classmates… The first time I “officially” learned programming was at a Tech school in Kansas. I learned BASIC, RPG-3, and CoBOL on an IBM System 36. I also taught myself the C language using an Aztec C compiler on an Amiga. After that I took a break from it during the 10 years I was in the Army. Now I’ve recently gotten “officially” taught computer science again, earning my BS in Computer Science.

I’ve also been listening to a lot of podcasts and am finally caught up with them all, I think. Got turned on to a lot of new websites and blogs listening to the podcasts too.