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GB Update

So, it’s been about 5 months since my surgery. I usually weigh in on Saturdays and last Saturday I was down to 262. From 351 on the day of surgery. I feel great. I’m over the fried food cravings and usually eat healthy foods. I am back in the gym trying to gain my strength back and I’m actually back to playing raquetball.
The first day I got back on the court I was laying on the floor more than I was standing. My sense of balance was way off and my foot speed was so slow it wasn’t funny. But I get better every time I play.
I’m not in any kind of pain from the surgery although I have this nasty torn muscle in my right lat. It doesn’t hurt unless I’m in a specific position, and then it feels like someone is sticking a knife in my side and twisting it. It’s strange because I can poke and push around without any pain, but if I move my arm a certain way it hurts like crazy.
I’m back taking classes at UOP. Class starts on March 15th and I already have a >700 word paper due. This should be interesting.
All in all I’m doing great, much better than I thought I would.